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Welcome to the Selling From the Heart podcast, your home for authentic, effective, and socially-integrated sales strategies to help you master the art of selling. Join your hosts Darrell Amy and Larry Levine along with some of the world's best sales thought leaders and practitioners as we explore ways to grow your sales.

About the Hosts

Larry Levine


Larry Levine is a distinguished author and sales expert known for his significant contributions to the field of sales through his insightful books, "Selling From the Heart" and "Selling in a Post-Trust World." With decades of experience in the sales industry, Levine has garnered a reputation for advocating for authenticity, integrity, and emotional intelligence in sales practices. His first book, "Selling From the Heart," emphasizes the importance of sincerity and genuine relationships in achieving sales success, challenging sales professionals to bring their true selves to their interactions with clients. Following up on this foundation, "Selling in a Post-Trust World" addresses the challenges salespeople face in an era marked by skepticism and diminished trust, offering strategies to build credibility and foster trust in a competitive and often cynical marketplace. Levine's work has not only reshaped how sales professionals approach their craft but has also left a lasting impact on the sales industry by promoting values-driven sales practices.

Darrell Amy

Darrell Amy is the visionary author behind "Revenue Growth Engine," a comprehensive guide that has significantly influenced how businesses approach scaling and revenue generation. With a wealth of experience in sales and marketing, Amy brings a unique perspective to the challenge of achieving sustainable growth. His book presents a strategic framework for aligning sales and marketing efforts to drive growth effectively, emphasizing the importance of processes and systems that work in harmony to accelerate revenue. Amy's insights are rooted in a deep understanding of the dynamics of modern business environments, making "Revenue Growth Engine" an essential read for executives, sales leaders, and marketing professionals looking to catalyze their company's growth. Beyond his writing, Amy is renowned for his ability to inspire and educate through speaking engagements and consultancy, making tangible impacts on businesses aiming to reach new heights in their revenue goals.